Flatfooting at Alasdair Fraser's Sierra Fiddle Camp, Nevada City, California (June 23, 2018)
Music: Bruce Molsky (fiddle), Allison de Groot (banjo)
Flatfooting to my banjo playing - Asheville, NC (2023)
At sunrise on May 8, 2021, Rodney Clay Sutton and I participated in Dance at Dawn, an event in support of Pieta House, a suicide prevention organization in Dublin, Ireland. Our flatfoot dancing, here in the mountains of western North Carolina, is dedicated, with love, to the memory of those we have lost. Other dancers who participated in this event can be seen at: #DILDanceAtDawn
(Music: "Sally Ann" - New Ballard's Branch Bogtrotters, 1995)
Texas Star Square Dance – Dare To Be Square, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC (2011)
Jenny and the Hog Drovers playing “Jim Armistead's Tune” and “Five Miles from Town” at the Warren Wilson College Library Sound Lab (May 2017) - Maddy Mullany and Clarke Williams (fiddles), Phil Jamison (banjo), Hayden Holbert (guitar), Landon George (bass).
More about the band at: https://www.facebook.com/JennyandtheHogDrovers/?ref=bookmarks.
Ralph Blizard and the New Southern Ramblers perform "Hell Among the Yearlings" at the Glen Echo Irish Festival, Glen Echo, Maryland (May 24, 1992) - Ralph Blizard (fiddle), Gordy Hinners (banjo), Phil Jamison (guitar), John Lilly (bass)
In May 1985, Mike Seeger and Ruth Pershing filmed members of the Green Grass Cloggers dancing freestyles with one of our mentors, Hansel Aldridge, at the Black Mountain Festival in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Dancers include Hansel Aldridge, Doug Baker, Karen Bartlett, Chris Chalker (Cub Hill Cloggers), Brian Demarcus, Wynn Dinson, Gordy Hinners, Phil Jamison, Hunt Mallett, Audrey Molsky, Carol Rifkin, Cherie Sheppard, Andy (Deaver) Smith, and Rodney Sutton. Bruce Molsky and David Winston provide the music on fiddle and banjo.
The Green Grass Cloggers (Phil Jamison, Mark Freese, Gordy Hinners, Cherie Sheppard, Andy Deaver, and Roxanne McMillan) performing on Singapore National TV in 1984, with Jim Burns (fiddle) and Phil and Gaye Johnson (mandolin and guitar).
Flatfooting at the Appalachian Stringband Festival, Clifftop, WV (2013)